- Title of the practice: – Women Empowerment Cell
. Vision: – Empowering women through academic excellence
. Mission:-
- The cell shall strive to create a better society by empowering women.
- To create awareness of the woman’s rights.
- To achieve social equality as a prerequisite for women empowerment.
- To promote more cultural space for women to foster a distinctive identity of their own.
- To sensitize women towards our rich cultural inheritance
- Goal:-
- To empower women through education and strengthen them with social values and ethical sphere of life.
- Identification of strong leadership qualities in them capacity.
- To promote a culture of respect and equality for women.
- The provision of opportunities and programmes for women to be financially, psychologically and emotionally empowered so as to promote their growth as individuals in their own right.
- To make them aware of the guidelines of the Supreme Court and to ensure that sexual harassment is treated as an unacceptable social behavior within the institution and the society.
- To conduct seminars, workshops to impart knowledge of opportunities and tools available.
- To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude among young girls so that they will be “Job creaters” rather than “Job Seekers”.
- Structure: –The cell is headed by a President, Secretary and Treasurer from the female staff. Girl students are its members. The Principal and senior faculty assist and guide the activities of the cell.
- The Context: – The institution has more than 50 girl students. Majority of them hail from rural background. Inequality and women harassment is a social stigma the cell has taken keen interest to protect the rights of girl student by organizing distinctive value added programmes. “If you educate a boy you educate an individual, if you educate a girl, you educate a whole family”. In this context the cell has designed several women empowerment programmes to educate the girl student.
- To increase awareness among girl students and female staff about their rights.
- Listening to the grievances of girl students and guiding them through counseling.
- Creating opportunities for girl students to participate actively in curricular and cocurricular activities.
- Offering health and safety guidance.
- Providing financial assistance to poor girls.
- To increase awareness among girl students about self employment.
- The Practice:-The institution has organized and conducted various programmes under this cell with true spirit and dedication. The college under the banner of this cell has organized several programmes. As for as the constraints are concerned, it is found that due to semester system and academic pressure, the organizers find it difficult to give practical exposure to the girls on field survey , to collect data .Added to this a large no of girls commute from surrounding villages, this will discourage to conduct programmes after college hours. Self Defence Training Workshop and Workshop On Indian Martial Arts-Kalaripayattu Training for Women by Shakari Bharti Mahila Samiti- Sahakar Samaj Kalyan Sangathan succesfully organized by college.
- Evidence of Success: – Video clippings, photos, media reports and annual reports in college magazines are the documentary evidence maintained by the cell. The institution has identified major changes in the attitude of girl students on various parameters. Overcome of shyness, more participation in class wise seminars and extra –curricular activities, Positive attitude, free interaction with teachers and other students.
- Problems encountered and Resources required:- Though the organizers and girl participants are keen to invite professional and expert trainees and speakers from outside, the cell is unable to host programmes due to lack of financial resources. 8. Notes:- After the establishment of this cell since the past few years we have seen many positive changes in the behavioral pattern of girl student. Hence we strongly recommend the introduction of this practice in every co-education and girl’s college

- Title of the Practice:- ICT based Teaching- Learning Process.
- Goal: – To widen up the learning horizons of the students.
- The Context: – In university affiliated Institute teaching learning is normally bounded by prescribed syllabus which quite often fails to satisfy job market demands. It is therefore essential to equip the students with recent development in science and technology by advanced learning from eminent speakers from world renowned Institutes or Universities.
- The Practice: – ICT based teaching learning process is being practiced mainly in the following different ways:
- At least 1 class rooms on every dept. have been set equipped with Internet connection and audio visual facility
- Wi-Fi connections are provided in the campus.
- Library is equipped with e-books and e-journals and make it available in institute.
- Evidence of Success: – Almost all students of all Departments are enthusiastically taking advantage of this ICT based learning facilities.
- Problems Encountered and Resources Required: –
- Problem encountered in implementing full ICT based teaching learning is relating to mindset of both Faculty students. Quite a large number of students still prefer printed books than e-books available in Institutes. Even Faculty members prefer Black Board teaching.
- A sizeable member of student could just copy information of Internet specifically in project work as a result they would not learn seriously.
- All faculty staff need to be trained to use ICT which is a different problem.
- Moreover, introduction of ICT based Teaching learning is very expensive. As a result resource crunch is major constraint